首页 流行病学论坛-李晓铭

       李晓铭 博士,美国南卡罗来纳大学(USC)临床转化研究讲席教授,Arnold公共卫生学院医疗质量SmartState中心主任。2015年8月去USC之前,他有12年多的时间一直担任韦恩州立大学儿科预防研究中心主任。作为心理学家,他在研究方法学、干预项目开发和文化适应、临床试验设计、生物统计学、心理测验学方面有很强的背景。24年多来,他一直在健康差异和健康促进领域与国际国内跨学科团队,包括儿科医生、心理医生和其他卫生保健专业人员一起从事研究工作。2000年以来,世界艾滋病基金会和美国国立卫生研究院一直资助他在中国研究儿童和青少年、农民工、男男性行为者、女性性工作者、受艾滋病影响儿童与家庭以及艾滋病病毒感染者和病人。他的研究领域包括艾滋病行为预防、心理健康、社会心理弹性干预、HIV告知、艾滋病相关的歧视和污名、艾滋病治疗和关怀。他还在纳米比亚、越南、印度、墨西哥、赞比亚和巴哈马群岛参与艾滋病相关研究。他曾任美国国立卫生研究院资助的全球艾滋病研究培训项目主任。也是国际“健康心理学与行为医学:开放存取期刊” (泰勒和弗朗西斯,英国)创刊主编。
       Dr. Li Xiaoming is Professor and Endowed Chair of clinical translational research and the Director for the South Carolina SmartState Center for Healthcare Quality at University of South Carolina (USC) Arnold School of Public Health. Prior to joining USC in August 2015, he served as the Founding Director of Wayne State University Pediatric Prevention Research Center for more than 12 years. As a psychologist with a very strong background in research methodology, intervention program development and cultural adaptation, clinical trial design, biostatistics, and psychometrics, he has been working with an interdisciplinary team of pediatricians, psychologists, and other health care professionals for over 24 years in the areas of health disparities and health promotion research in both domestic and international settings. He has been continuously funded by the World AIDS Foundation and NIH since 2000 to conduct research among children and adolescents, rural migrants, men who have sex with men, female sex workers, children and family affected by HIV/AIDS, and people living with HIV/AIDS in China.  His areas of research include HIV behavioral prevention, mental health, resilience-based psychosocial intervention, HIV disclosure, stigma reduction, and HIV treatment and care.  He has also participated in HIV-related research in Namibia, Viet Nam, India, Mexico, Zambia, and the Bahamas.  He served as the program director for a NIH-funded national mentoring network for global HIV/AIDS research.  Dr. Li is the founding editor for an international journal titled “Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine: An Open Access Journal” (Taylor & Francis, UK).