


中文简介:北京东方惠尔图像技术有限公司,是一家由美国海归团队创建的总部设在北京的高科技企业。公司在美国波斯顿、中国北京设有研发中心,与美国、瑞典及国内多所名牌大学与科研机构建立了密切的合作关系,致力于运用世界上先进的医学影像技术和中国制造的成本优势,向全球用户提供物超所值的医学影像产品与服务。目前公司生产手术影像产品,G形臂的CROSS BEAM专利技术克服了X光的散射的干涉实现了AP LP实时成像,为中国第一家,全球第二家拥有该类产品的企业。惠尔人以客户为核心,树立崇尚科技,尊重员工,服务社会信念,努力成为中国最具价值的医学影像公司
。英文简介:Begun in 1998 as a medical imaging devices manufacturer and distributor, Whale Imaging is headquartered in Beijing’s High Tech Enterprise zone. Our state of the art research and development facilities are based in Boston USA and we have joint venture development facilities in Scandinavia. This allows us to take full advantage of our international expertise. We combine low cost R&D and manufacturing with a highly skilled and experienced management and workforce to produce high quality and optimal value for our customers, above average returns for our stakeholders and opportunity for our employees.we have developed a range of G-arm fluoroscopy devices which use our unique patented Cross Beam technology to achieve real time AP and LP views simultaneously.
Our aim is to be the leader in producing affordable world-class medical imaging systems to our global customers by leveraging our proven proprietary disruptive technology, management expertise and low cost manufacturing capabilities in China.