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Type of Participation Early Birds
(Through Janurary 31, 2019)
(Janurary 31~March 31, 2019)
On-Site Registration
Student CNY 1800/$250 CNY 2000/$300 CNY 2300/$350
RICIESC Member CNY 3200/$500 CNY 3500/$550 CNY 3900/$600
RICIESC Non-Member CNY 3900/$600 CNY 4200/$650 CNY 4600/$700
Please note that at least one author for the paper must register and pay for it before pre-registration in order to have the paper included in the abstract book.
*A conference registration includes the electronic version of conference proceedings, conference-related information, banquet entry, and lunch for 3 days.
*If you need further information about the Rubber Institute, Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China (RICIESC) or would like to join the RICIESC, please contact the RubberCon 2019 secretariat or E-mail: rubber_ciesc@126.com
*If you register as a student, please bring your student card on site.

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