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Registration fees, VAT included:
Conference Registration Registration Fee
Students and retired 350 USD 2300 RMB
Regular registration (after April 30, 2017) 800 USD 5200 RMB
One day registration 250 USD 1650 RMB
Two days registration 500 USD 3300 RMB
Exhibitor 350 USD 2300 RMB
Accompanying person registration (limited to family members) 100 USD /

Oral and Poster presentation Attendee should choose the Regular registration type.
One day registration and Two days registration  are for the participants  who will  only attend as audience in the Congress .

The registration fee includes 17% vat and include: free access to the scientific session, free access to the
exhibition, congress material, welcome receptionand coffee breaks. The registration fee of accompanying
person does not include congress material.

If you need a VISA for attending the Congress, do not hesitate to contact the Organizing Secretariat that
will be glad to send you the needed documents.

Cancellation Policy
In case of canceling registration after paying the registration fee, the registrant should apply by letter with
signature. If written notice of cancellation reaches the Conference Registrar:
Before 17 July 2017: A cancellation fee of $100/¥650 for regular registration, $50/¥325 for students and
After 17 July 2017: No refund will be given. A copy of Proceedings will be sent to the registrant afterward.