Language: 简体中文 English

Call for papers

1. Forms of communication

Ordinary Papers: Oral Communication, Wall Papers

Excellent Papers: Oral Communication

Video: Oral Communication

2. Abstract Statement

(1) All essays must be submitted through the 20th APAGE Annual Meeting website. The essay submission can only be operated on the computer side. The mobile phone is not allowed to upload manuscripts. (Website:

(2) All essays must include the title, content, author's name, affiliation, chart, etc.

(3) The essay should contain the original materials that were not published or presented at any other international conference at the time of submission. In addition, essays should not be submitted to other international conferences held prior to the 20th APAGE Annual Meeting. However, essays presented at local and national meetings can be submitted. If applicable, the essay should state: "This study has been approved by the Ethics Committee." The 20th APAGE Annual Scientific Committee reserves the right to accept or reject essays, or to stipulate essays in the form of verbal, video or posters, and to choose the appropriate meeting for each essay. The author's preference for representation types and topics will be considered.

3. Copyright and legal liability

All information submitted by the essay, including the author's name, affiliation, author list, essay content, etc., will be published in the conference publication. Contributors are legally obligated to the essay; Any infringement of the rights of third parties shall be the responsibility of the contributor. The 20th APAGE Annual Meeting has the right to use the essay for scientific purposes without prior notice to the contributor or author. Certificate of Permissible Contribution by Unit should be mailed separately.

4. Deadline for submission

September 18, 2019

5. Essay type

1) Laparoscopy General Gynecology

2) Laparoscopic gynecological tumors

3) Laparoscopic pelvic floor reconstruction

4) Laparoscopic surgery

5) Hysteroscopic surgery related

6) laparoscopic joint

7) Robotic surgery

8) Single hole laparoscopic


10) Innovative technologies and equipment

11) Basic research

12) Rapid rehabilitation and care

6. Essay structure requirements

(1) Goals and objectives

First, a clear and concise statement should be made of the exact objectives or questions raised in the research.

(2) Methods and materials

Describe the measurements of major research findings that have been planned prior to the start of data collection;

If the manuscript does not report the main plan-result of the study, this fact should be stated and the reason should be indicated;

Clearly state that the hypothesis tested is presented to explain some results or measurements during or after data collection that may be unfamiliar to general medical readers.

(3) Result

Describe the method of evaluating patients and state the key outcomes;

This section must include data, even preliminary data;

Data should be presented as succinctly as possible in the form of tables, charts, or graphs (where applicable).

(4) conclusion

Discuss the interpretation, clinical application and significance of the results, and refer to other cited works; The last paragraph should include a concise statement summarizing the meaning of the results based on the original assumptions and explaining any unexpected results; It is suggested that if additional research is required before this information, it should be used in clinical Settings.
