Conference Hall No.5-C(1F)

14:40-16:00 Chronic Venous Disease---Satellite Meeting for Medi GmbH & Co. KG

Moderator: Roberto Simkin  Argentina , Evi Kalodiki  United Kingdom , Salvatore Novo  Italy , Alfonso Tafur  United States

主持: Roberto Simkin  Argentina , Evi Kalodiki  United Kingdom , Salvatore Novo  Italy , Alfonso Tafur  United States

NO./编号 Time/时间 Type/类型 Subject/题目 Speaker/讲者
1 14:40-14:50 Symposium

Interphase between inflammation and vascular disorders

Debra A. Hoppensteadt

United States

2 14:50-15:00 Symposium

Pathogenesis of CVD and its management

Alfonso Tafur

United States

3 15:00-15:10 Symposium

The Venous puzzle: from hemodynamics to chronic disease to DVT. The pieces are coming together

Fedor Lurie

United States

4 15:10-15:20 Symposium

New Advances in the Treatment of Vulvar and Pelvic Veins

Roberto Simkin


5 15:20-15:30 Symposium

The venous drainage index quantifies venous obstrauction

Evi Kalodiki

United Kingdom

6 15:30-15:40 Symposium

Treatment experience of venous ulcer in lower extremity

Lan Zhang



7 15:40-16:00
