
09:00-10:30 [R1-Conversations across Differences ] Conversations across Differences

Moderator: Elizabeth M. RICHMOND-GARZA  University of Texas, Austin , Neeraj Kumar  Magadh University

NO. Time Type Subject Speaker
1 09:00-09:10 Oral Presentation

Words and Worlds: The Case of Multiple Goan Literatures

R. Benedito Ferrão

2 09:10-09:20 Oral Presentation

In Ink: Identity and Selfhood in the Autobiographical Narratives of Dalit and African American Women

Sudhi Rajiv

3 09:20-09:30 Oral Presentation

Western Theories of Fiction and Fictionality in Dream of the Red Chamber

Yuan Ren

4 09:30-09:40 Oral Presentation

Dialogic Violence: The Significance of Urban Naxalite Politics in India during the Seventies

Arjab Roy

5 09:40-09:50 Oral Presentation

Pursuing the Self from a Pluralist Perspective: Interrogating the Self/Other Binary through Travel Narratives in the Nineteenth Century


6 09:50-10:00 Oral Presentation

The Sincere Search for Human Destiny------On the Motif of "Search" in Pirandello's Six Characters in Search of an Author

Yuexin Wang

7 10:00-10:30