
14:00-15:30 [W5-Methodological Construction and Interdisciplinary Dialogue in Parallel Studies] Methodological Construction and Interdisciplinary Dialogue in Parallel Studies

Moderator: Lijuan Huang  Beijing Foreign Studies University

NO. Time Type Subject Speaker
1 14:00-14:15 Oral Presentation

Politics, Music and Literature: Behind the Three Faces of Edward W. Said

Shen Yao

2 14:15-14:30 Oral Presentation

Poetics and Politics of Mobility: Methodology on the Criticism of Travel Literature

Lijuan Huang

3 14:30-14:45 Oral Presentation

Anticipation of Influence: The Gaze of the Other in W.J.T. Mitchell's Ekphrastic Poetics

Ying Xiong

4 14:45-15:00 Oral Presentation

From Misunderstanding to Acceptance: Reunderstanding Matteo Ricci Again

Ruifang Mao

5 15:00-15:15 Oral Presentation

Tie Guan Tu and Zungchin: On Ming-Qing Transformation Writings in the 17th Century Chinese and Western Drama

Ye Shi

6 15:15-15:30


[Panel Discussion / Expert Comment] Shen Yao Shanghai Normal University