
09:00-10:30 [W14-Studies on Overseas Chinese and Chinese American Literature] Studies on Overseas Chinese and Chinese American Literature

Moderator: Lihua Li  江西师范大学外国语学院教授

NO. Time Type Subject Speaker
1 09:00-09:12 Oral Presentation

蝴蝶谱系之生死爱欲溯源与考辨 ——从《菊子夫人》到《蝴蝶君》的多重文本探寻

Lihua Li

2 09:12-09:24 Oral Presentation


Shaoping Wang

3 09:24-09:36 Oral Presentation

Embodying the Chimera: Seeing and Identity in Amy Tan’s The Hundred

Chunfang Yi

4 09:36-09:48 Oral Presentation


Guijie Liu

5 09:48-10:00 Oral Presentation

The Social Relationship in Yan Phou Lee's When I Was a Boy in China

Donghui Guo

6 10:00-10:30


[Panel Discussion / Expert Comment] Heping Qi 兰州大学外国语学院