Date Time Hall Session Role Title Name
2018-10-19 15:35-17:00 Conference Hall No.2-B(2F) AIOD (Aorto-iliac occlusive disease)(Simultaneous Interpretation ) Moderator Jian Zhang
2018-10-19 17:30-17:40 Conference Hall No.2-C(2F) AAA(Simultaneous Interpretation ) Symposium Primary aorto-enteric fistula associated with ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm as a cause of massive gastrointestinal haemorrhage Jian Zhang
2018-10-20 17:14-17:18 Conference Hall No.5-B(1F) Complicate EVAR complications session Surgical Recording Video14 Complications of EVAR or TEVAR Jian Zhang