Date Time Hall Session Role Title Name
2019-07-31 11:00-12:30 E3-2041 Towards a Cross-cultural Literary Interpretation: Case and Method Moderator Rongnv Chen
2019-07-31 12:00-12:10 E3-2041 Towards a Cross-cultural Literary Interpretation: Case and Method Oral Presentation 古希腊悲剧跨文化戏剧实践的历史及其意义——以中国戏曲改编和搬演为中心 Rongnv Chen
2019-08-01 09:00-09:10 E4-1061 World Literature and China Oral Presentation Ancient Greek tragedy in China Rongnv Chen
2019-08-01 09:00-10:30 E4-1061 World Literature and China Moderator Rongnv Chen