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11 月 17-19 号,云南·芒市
      我们诚挚邀请您参加 2016 年 11 月 17-19 日在云南省德宏·芒市举
成果的交流机会和平台。这次会议将邀请来自 20 多个国家的 60 多位
咖啡领域的科学家、企业家到会交流。详见附件 1:《日程表》
2016 年 10 月 25 日前给予回复,组委会将承担您抵达芒市后的食宿,
逾期回执的主办方将不承担相关费用。(附件 2:《回执表》)。
中国咖啡工程研究中心 云南省咖啡行业协会
地址:云南省德宏州芒市仙池路 34 号 地址:云南省昆明市滇池路 779 号滇池大厦 9 楼;
邮编:678400 邮编:650000
电话:+86-692-2910911; 电话:+86-871-65369550;
传真:+86-692-2910911; 传真:+86-871-65376444;
邮箱: asic2016@cercc.org ; 邮箱: ligongqin@163.com ;
网址: www.cercc.org 网址: www.yunnancoffee.org

The 1st Asia Coffee Annual Conference (ACAC)

17th – 19th, November, 2016 Mangshi, China

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are pleasure to invite you to participate in the 1st ACAC, which will be held on November 17th-19th, 2016 in Mangshi. The 1st ACAC is hosted by the Coffee Engineering Research Center of China (CERCC) and the Coffee Association of Yunnan(CAY).

The 1st ACAC is designed as the platform for scholars, experts and entrepreneurs to share and exchange the latest research results in the development of the coffee industry in Asia. The aim of the conference is to provide comprehensive, scientific and effective information for the development of various scientific fields in the coffee industry to promote the healthy development of the Asian coffee industry. More than 60 scientists and entrepreneurs in the field of coffee from more than 20 countries in the Asia will attend the conference and contribute their academic achievement.

You are warmly welcome to Mangshi known as the hometown of Chinese coffee. As participants you can explore the various problems encountered in the current development of the coffee industry through this platform, and establish extensive contact with the scientists and entrepreneurs from Asia.

You will be the respected guest to participate in ACAC to be held in Mangshi and have the opportunities to taste high quality coffee from Yunnan and other places of the world.

We sincerely look forward to meeting you in the 1st ACAC in Mangshi. We sincerely hope that you can fill the attached form and send back to us via email:diana_wang@vip.163.com

Coffee Engineering Research Coffee Association of Yunnan

Center of China

(Secretary-general, Dr Zhenjia Chen) (Secretary-general, Li Gongqin)

No. 34, Xianchi Road 9th Floor, Dianchi Building, No.779, Dianchi Road

Mangshi, Yunnan, 678400, PR China Kunming, Yunnan, 650000, P R China

Tel: + 86 692 2100911 Tel: + 86 871 65369550

Fax: + 86 692 2100911 Fax: + 86 871 65376444

Email: asic2016@cercc.org Email: ligongqin01@163.com