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Xinfu ZHOU
University of South Australia
I am a Research Chair in Neuroscience and Professor in School of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences in University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia. Since graduation with PhD in 1990, I initially was awarded an ARC postdoctoral fellowship from 1992-1994. From 1995 to 1997, I was employed as an NHMRC Senior Research Officer on a successful grant as a CIB. I was awarded an NHMRC Research Fellow in 1997 and have been working as a fellow since 1998. In 2001, I was promoted to SRF and 2006 SRFB and Professor. I have published over 220 referred papers among which 190 original papers and given lectures at over 50 conferences. I act as associate editor and a founder of Neurotoxicity Research and as an editorial board member for 8 journals. My work has been cited 7300 with H-index of 48. I have made contributions to neurotrophins and their functions in nerve development and in pathological conditions such as nerve injury, pain, Alzheimer’s disease and major depression. My current research focuses on neurobiology of Alzheimer’s disease, depression and neurotrauma. In particular, I have been interested in the drug development for Alzheimer’s disease.