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Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
United States

秦聆教授目前就职于美国宾夕法尼亚大学医学院骨科系终身教授及组织学中心主任,担任国际华人骨研学会候任主席,宾夕法尼亚大学骨科研究俱乐部组织创始人,美国骨与矿化研究学会(ASBMR), ORS,及国际骨形态学学会等学会的成员。她目前为《骨与矿化研究杂志》,《骨转化杂志》和《基因》等杂志的编辑, 参与多个美国及国际study section 的基金评审,和ASBMR, ORS年度会议abstract的评审。秦聆教授已主持参与14个NIH及各种基金相关课题,以第一作者及通讯作者发表相关高水平SCI论文70余篇(PNAS, JBMR, A&R, JBC,Bone, OAC, Nature etc), 参与撰写论著4本。参加过多次国际大会并发言,获得多次青年研究员奖章。在过去几年里,她的学生共获得6个ASBMR young investigator award, 5个ORS New Investigator Recognition Award (NIRA)。 Research interest: I am Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery and Co-Director of PCMD Histology Core at the University of Pennsylvania. Currently I am Associate Editor of Journal of Orthopaedic Translation and member of Editorial Board of Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. I have published more than 70 peer-reviewed research articles and frequently participated into NIH study sections to review grants. The overall goal of my research is to combine studies on fundamental mechanisms of skeletal cell function with translational medicine approaches to treat skeletal diseases. My group uses a combination of molecular, biochemical, imaging techniques, and animal models to investigate the molecular mechanisms by which hormones and growth factors regulate bone metabolism and skeletal development under normal and pathological conditions. In the past decade, I have made some groundbreaking discoveries that greatly advance our understanding of molecular regulation of bone and cartilage metabolism, stem cell biology, and skeletal development, and provided promising therapeutic tools for skeletal disorders, such as osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.