Home TBIS 2020-Announcement

The 13th Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium

 Announcement Special Focused Theme: 


Combatting COVID-19 pandemic outbreaks with protective and smart textiles

TBIS 2020 Special Focused Theme

Postpone the ENSAIT's host of TBIS from 2020 to 2021                           




 July 6-9, TBIS 2021 (Roubaix,France)









TBIS 2020 is a peer-reviewed conference.


Background(March 17 2020):

On 11-12 March, 2020, WHO announced that the global COVID-19 outbreak become a pandemic.


“This is a controllable pandemic. Countries that decide to give up on fundamental public health measures may end up with a larger problem, and a heavier burden on the health system that requires more severe measures to control. All countries must strike a fine balance between protecting health, preventing economic and social disruption, and respecting human rights. We urge all countries to take a comprehensive approach tailored to their circumstances – with containment as the central pillar. We are calling on countries to take a four-pronged strategy:


On 3 March 2020, WHO announced worldwide shortages of personal protective equipment endangering health workers. Every month, frontline health responders around the world need 89 million masks, 30 million gowns, 1.59 million goggles and 76 million gloves.


In the view of the critical challenges from the global COVID-19 outbreak, textile industry plays an extremely important role in providing personal protective equipment for combatting coronavirus infections.  Responding to these urgent societal needs, TBIS Board of Directors, TBIS International Executive Committee, TBIS 2020 organizing committee and international scientific committee would like to change the focus as “Combatting COVID-19 pandemic outbreaks with protective and smart textiles”.



Considering the risk of infection and travel restrictions implemented in many countries,   and for the interest of the health, well-being and safety of all attendees and delegates of TBIS, given the ever-changing situation surrounding the pandemic COVID-19, the format of conference changed as video conference.




Special focused theme: Combatting COVID-19 pandemic outbreaks with protective and smart textiles





The publication of TBIS2020 conference papers will proceed as scheduled.


For delegates who have already submitted their papers, should you wish not to have your proceedings to be published in TBIS2020, there is the option to have your paper published in the TBIS2021 proceedings, if so, please kindly let us know.