Home Accommodation
Hotel accommodation:
Accommodation: 400-550 yuan/room/day, 200-275 yuan/bed/day

Accommodation Hotel Information:
BFA Dongyu Island Hotel
BFA Gold Coast Hotel

Traffic information:
There is about 120 KM from Haikou Meilan International Airport to the venue (Dongyu Island Hotel). It takes approximately 90 min by car. There are several ways to arrive at the venue:

1. From Haikou Meilan International Airport
When you arrive at Meilan International Airport, walk to Meilan Express Railway Station to take a train to Boao Express Railway Station, it takes approximately 40 min. Shuttle buses will be arranged to park outside the station and you can take one to arrive at Hotel Dongyu Island.
Please purchase a ticket from Meilan Express Railway Station to Boao Express Railway Station in advance

2. From Sanya Fenghuang International Airport
When you arrive at Sanya Fenghuang International Airport, walk to Fenghuang Express Railway 
Station to take a train to Boao Express Railway Station, it takes approximately 80 min or 3.5 h. 
Shuttle buses will be arranged to park outside the station and you can take one to arrive at HotelDongyu Island.
Please purchase a ticket from Sanya Fenghuang Express Railway Station to Boao Express
Railway Station in advance.