Home Speaker

Weiwei Wu

Academic task


2018-10-18 14:00-16:00

Conference Hall No.5-A(1F)

Host IUA lecture competition part 1 (120min) (each lecture has 8 minutes’ presentation and 2 minutes’question and answer.)

专题发言: 你知道的和不知道的,这里都有!ALI的治疗现状

2018-10-18 17:20-17:35

Conference Hall No.5-C(1F)

speak A+ Arterial & Venous Thrombolysis Diagnosis and Treatment Session

专题发言: 严重钙化病变的血管准备

2018-10-20 14:30-14:40

Conference Hall No.5-C(1F)

speak Treatment of lower extremity ischenmia


2018-10-20 15:10-16:30

Conference Hall No.5-B(1F)

Host DCB Session------Acotec Scientific Co.Ltd