Home Speaker

Massimo Vaghi

Academic task


2018-10-18 16:00-18:00

Conference Hall No.5-A(1F)

Host IUA lecture competition part 2 (2h) (each lecture has 8 minutes’ presentation and 2 minutes’question and answer.)

专题发言: 肌肉内静脉畸形硬化剂和外科干预

2018-10-20 08:20-08:30

Conference Hall No.5-D(1F)

speak IUA-CVM Venous malformations


2018-10-20 09:00-10:00

Conference Hall No.5-D(1F)

Host IUA-CVM Arteriovenous malformations

专题发言: 血管畸形所致的淋巴水肿:诊断与治疗

2018-10-20 11:20-11:30

Conference Hall No.5-D(1F)

speak Hemo-lymphatic malformations