Home Speaker

Jichun Zhao

Academic task


2018-10-19 13:30-15:30

Conference Hall No.2-C(2F)

Host Aortic Dissection(Simultaneous Interpretation )

专题发言: TEVAR或Bentall 术后慢性胸腹主动脉夹层动脉瘤的杂交治疗

2018-10-19 14:20-14:30

Conference Hall No.2-C(2F)

speak Aortic Dissection(Simultaneous Interpretation )


2018-10-20 13:30-15:30

Conference Room 201-AB(2F)

Host Vascular repair and reconstruction committee of Chinese Chapter of IUA---in Chinese

专题发言: 血管修复与重建在腹部外科手术中应用

2018-10-20 13:30-13:36

Conference Room 201-AB(2F)

speak Vascular repair and reconstruction committee of Chinese Chapter of IUA---in Chinese