Home Speaker

Yu Zhao

Academic task


2018-10-19 16:20-17:50

Conference Hall No.5-C(1F)

Host Varicose veins

专题发言: 急性下肢静脉血栓整体治疗方案及实施

2018-10-20 09:26-09:34

Conference Room 201-AB(2F)

speak Venous disease---Bayer Healthcare Co. Ltd.


2018-10-20 12:25-13:25

Satellite Symposium

Host Lunch and Satellite Meeting for Acotec Scientific Co.Ltd——Conference Hall No.2-A(2F)

专题发言: Endurant Ⅱ 腔内治疗腹主动脉瘤使用经验分享

2018-10-20 14:40-14:50

Conference Hall No.2-A(2F)

speak Abdominal aortic aneurysm(Simultaneous Interpretation )

手术录播: 录像16 EVAR 或者TEVAR腔内治疗并发症

2018-10-20 17:22-17:26

Conference Hall No.5-B(1F)

speak Complicate EVAR complications session

手术录播: 录像25 髂静脉受压腔内治疗录像

2018-10-21 09:26-09:30

Conference Room 201-BC(2F)

speak Hot discussion, collision of different points of view-Treatment of non thrombotic iliac vein compression syndrome