Home Speaker

Lei Li

Academic task

专题发言: 一种基于评分的评估系统用于评估脑梗死后颈动脉支架成形术/颈动脉内膜剥脱术时机

2018-10-20 16:35-16:45

Conference Hall No.2-B(2F)

speak Carotid diseases III(Simultaneous Interpretation )


2018-10-21 08:00-10:00

Conference Hall No.2-C(2F)

Host The collision of multidisciplinary treatment of carotid artery lesions of different points of view contention of a hundred schools of thought,


2018-10-21 08:00-10:00

Conference Hall No.3(Vascular care)(1F)

Host Vascular nursing innovation competition