Conference Room 305-E

13:20-15:20 Allergen detection & Immunotherapy

Moderator: Li Xiang

NO. Time Type Subject Speaker
1 13:20-13:45 Symposium

Operation procedure of fresh food allergen test and food challenge test

Wei Zhou

2 13:45-14:10 Symposium

Selection and application of allergen detection methods in vitro and interpretation of the results

Li Xiang

3 14:10-14:35 Symposium

Clinical practice of allergen-specific immunotherapy

Jing Zhao

4 14:35-15:20


15:20-17:50 Measurement of exhaled natric oxide

Moderator: Jing Zhao

NO. Time Type Subject Speaker
1 15:20-15:30 Special Speech

Welcome Speech

Kunling Shen

2 15:30-15:55 Symposium

Interpretation of 《Guidelines for Pulmonary Function and Non-Traumatic Airway Inflammation Indicators in Children 2017》

Chuangli Hao

3 15:55-16:20 Symposium

《Lancet》redefine airways diseases- two dominant treatable traits of airway diseases

Hao Zhang

4 16:20-16:45 Symposium

Clinical Application of Nasal and Exhaled Nitric Oxide

Yunxiao Shang

5 16:45-17:10 Symposium

Clinical Application of Bronchial and Alveolar Nitric Oxide

Changshan Liu

6 17:10-17:50
