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Stephen Z. D. CHENG

更新时间:2019/10/1 22:13:31

Stephen Z. D. CHENG

Stephen Z. D. CHENG

 程正迪教授,现任Akron大学Frank C. Sullivan 杰出科研教授,Robert C. Musson 教授和 Trustees 教授。1985年于Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute获博士学位。2007年至2014年任美国Akron大学高分子科学与工程学院院长。程教授的研究广泛涉及高分子凝聚态和液晶体系的各个领域。他长期研究平衡及非平衡软物质相转变中的热力学与动力学以及不同空间、能量和时间尺度下的结构和分子运动的相互关系,致力于将高分子和液晶体系的基本物理特征与材料的特殊性能联系起来。同时对显示器光学薄膜、光学通讯等高科技的开发及商业化起了决定性的作用。近十年来,他更进一步开辟了基于纳米原子的巨型分子的研究领域,系统发展了多层次选择性组装以实现杂化功能材料的新思路,为高分子科研提供了新的方向。 迄今在国际学术刊物上发表SCI收录论文500余篇,总引用率18000余次,H因子为72。在国际和国内学术会议上做邀请报告800多次。他申请美国和世界发明专利14项。他发明的含聚酰亚胺的光学补偿膜已于2000年成功实现商品化,应用于大面积LCD器件,大量应用在通用和专用的系统。其产品销量至2009年已超过10亿美元。他著有学术专著《Phase Transitions in Polymers: The Role of Metastable States》。 他获得了多项奖励及荣誉称号,包括Presidential Young Investigator Award (White House & NSF1991), John H. Dillon Medal (APS, 1995), Mettler-Toledo Award (NATAS, 1999), TA-Instrument Award (ICTAC, 2004), PMSE Cooperative Research Award (ACS, 2005), Polymer Physics Prize (APS, 2013),影响世界华人大奖(2014)等。他现在是中国化学会荣誉会士,美国国家发明者院会士,美国物理学会会士,美国科学发展协会(AAAS)会士, 美国化学会高分子材料科学与工程分会会士。2008年被选为美国工程院院士。他也是国际刊物《Polymer》的资深主编。

报告题目:Giant Molecules based on Nano-atoms

报告摘要: To create new functional materials for advanced technologies, control over their hierarchical structures and orders is vital for obtaining the desired properties. We utilized and functionalized fullerene (C60) and polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS), and assembled these particles with polymers to form those hierarchical structures. In order to achieve precisely defined molecular structures and functionalities, we have developed novel routes of functionalize C60 and POSS and attached them onto other organic materials in a highly efficient and controlled manner via click chemistry and other precise transformations. The structures of these assemblies along with the resulting ordered structures were analyzed to determine their structure-property relationships. One of the most illustrating examples is a series of novel giant surfactants and lipids possessing a well-defined amphiphilic head and polymeric tails. Various architectures of this class of materials have been constructed and their self-assembly processes in solution, in the condensed bulk and thin films have been investigated. Another set of examples are nano-atoms. These classes of molecules are designed to possess features of molecular Janus particles with various symmetry breakings. When specific interactions are introduced, these nano-atoms: are functioned as building blocks to construct different amplified molecules and further to self-assemble into hierarchical ordered structures. Their thermodynamic phase diagrams and kinetic pathways are explored to understand this new class of materials and their potential applications in modern technologies.

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