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        为推动我国儿科介入及妇产介入事业的发展,普及并规范血管瘤与血管畸形综合诊治,由广东省医学教育协会主办,中国抗癌协会肿瘤介入分会儿科介入专委会、中华放射学分会介入专委会妇儿介入学组, 中国医师协会介入医师分会妇儿介入专委会(筹)及广州市妇女儿童医疗中心介入&血管瘤科承办,《中华介入放射学电子杂志》《介入放射学杂志》编辑部协办,第八届中国儿科介入放射学学术大会暨第八次儿科介入诊断与治疗进展学习班、儿科介入护理新进展培训班,第二届中华妇产介入放射学学术大会,第八届全国血管瘤血管畸形综合诊治研讨会暨血管瘤与血管畸形综合诊治进展学习班及第二届广东省医学教育协会介入专委会年会将于2018年9月4-8日在广州富力君悦大酒店举行。

Dear friends:
In order to promote the development of pediatric and maternity intervention, popularize and standardize the comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of hemangioma and vascular anomalies, we are pleased to announce that the 8th Chinese Pediatric Interventional Radiology Annual Conference, the 2nd Chinese Obstetrics & Gynecology Interventional Radiology Annual Conference, the 8th Chinese Hemangioma & Vascular Anomalies Workshop and the 2nd Interventional Annual Conference of Guangdong Medical Education Association will be held on September 4th -8th 2018 at GRAND HYATT Hotel in Guangzhou, sponsored by the Guangdong Medical Education Association, hosted by Chinese Society of Pediatric Interventional Oncology (CSPIO) ,Chinese Society of Gynaecology & Obstetrics& Pediatric Interventional Radiology (CSGOPIR),Chinese College of Gynaecology & Obstetrics& Pediatric Interventionalists and Guangzhou Women and Children`s Medical Center, and co-organized by the Editorial Department of Chinese Journal of Radiology, China Interventional Radiology Electronic Journal, and Journal of Interventional Radiology.

The conference mainly consists of expert lectures, live case demo and medical case discussion. Many famous experts home and abroad will be invited for lectures and live case demo, and will have a wide range of exchanges on the latest international and domestic research updates in this field as well.

Simultaneously, a national-class ,a provincial and a municipal continuing education projects will be held, which are the” Pediatric Interventional Radiology training course” “Hemangioma and vascular anomalies intensive course", and the “Interventional Radiology nursing courses in the field of pediatrics”. The participants will be granted with 10 credits of the national class I continuing education or 3 credits of the provincial class I continuing education or 4 credits of the municipal class II continuing education .

We sincerely look forward to your arrival at Guangzhou for the participation of this meeting, and will present you with a grand event integrating academic exchanges and continuing education by our utmost enthusiasm and good service.

Welcome to Guangzhou!